Thursday, March 01, 2007

The Naked Sorority Sister Mystery

(OPENING SCENE: A 21 year old woman stands on the roof of a barn. She is naked. From below, a group of her sorority sisters watch. They are worried but entranced.)

Trisha: (shouting) This is the world, right! It’s so beautiful! It’s so fucking beautiful!

Sorority Sister 1: Trisha, you’ve got to come down from there! You’re gonna get hurt! What’s making you behave this way? It’s so unlike you!

Trisha: I’m on top of a barn! I’m naked!

Sorority Sister 2: Trisha! Look out behind you!

Sorority Sister 1: Trish, look out!

(A naked woman with a mask comes up behind Trisha and pushes her off the barn. Trisha falls to her death. The naked masked woman goes out of view.)

Sorority Sisters: NOOOOOO!

(SCENE 2: Police Station. The young and hot female officer Moxi is looking at a case file. It has a picture of naked Trisha on the barn and the file is shown as unsolved.)

Moxi: Seven different sorority sisters have been killed and we still haven’t found the killer? How hard can this be?

Captain Hardway: The killer’s good, Moxi. She’s real good. That’s why we’re putting you undercover. You’ll pretend to be a sorority girl, and see if you can’t lure the killer into showing herself.

Moxi: Great. So I’m the bait, eh Captain?

Captain Hardway: You’re the bait.

Moxi: Fine. Let’s get this serial bitch.

(SCENE 3: Moxi is dressed up like a sorority girl and she is with some of the other sorority girls. They take her to the barn where we saw Trisha die.)

Moxi: So…this is where the murders happened?

Janet: (trying not to cry) Yeah, this is where they happened. Trisha was first. She got up there naked and then this naked masked girl came out and pushed her off the barn. Then later, Jackie went up there to show what Trisha had been doing, and then it was Déjà vu all over again, because the naked masked girl came up just like the last time and then naked Jackie got pushed off too.

Moxi: That’s horrible!

Janet: It is. And it just kept happening.

Moxi: I heard about that. Five more times?

Janet: Five more times. Five of our sorority sisters. Naked. All of them pushed to their death from the roof of that infernal barn.

Moxi: I’m so sorry.

Janet: I don’t want to lose any more of my sorority sisters, Moxi! My sisters are my friends!

Moxi: I don’t want to lose any sorority sisters either. Janet? Janet, you let me know if you hear anyone talking about getting naked and going up on that barn’s roof.

Janet: I will, Moxi. And thanks.

Moxi: For what, Janet?

Janet: For being a true sorority sister. For being someone I can finally trust.

Moxi: Janet…Janet there’s something I should tell you. But you need to keep it a secret okay?

Janet: Okay, Moxi. What is it?

Moxi: Well…I’m not really a –

Janet: (interrupting) Oh no! It’s happening again!

(Moxi and Janet look in horror as they see that Melrose, one of their sorority sisters, is naked and on the roof of that barn)

Moxi: Melrose! What the hell are you doing?!

Naked Melrose: Moxi! Janet! This is how they were killed! This is what our sorority sisters were doing before they were murdered!

Moxi: Get down from there, Melrose! Do you want to die?!

Naked Melrose: Of course I don’t want to fucking die! But our sorority sisters didn’t want to die either!

(Janet starts crying)

Moxi: Then get down, Melrose! Get down before the killer finds you!

Naked Melrose: Okay. You’re right. You’re right. Sorry, Moxi.

(Naked Melrose starts to turn to leave the roof. All of a sudden, the masked naked girl emerges.)

Naked Melrose: Oh God! That butterfly tattoo! I know who you are! You’re in our sorority! You’re –

(Naked Melrose is pushed off of the roof of barn)

Moxi and Janet: NOOOOOOO!

(Moxi and Janet rush over to naked Melrose’s body, but it is clear she is dead.)

Janet: (sobbing) Did you hear that, Moxi?

Moxi: I heard.

Janet: The killer is in our sorority.

Moxi: I know. And I’m going to find her. I’m going to find her if I have to get naked and get on that barn’s roof myself.

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