Johnny: They just blew it up!
Yvette: What?
Johnny: EVERYTHING! Run for it!
Yvette: But my house!
Johnny: Your house was part of everything! …So was mine.
Yvette: No!
Yvette: That means…my car was blown up too?
Johnny: Yes. I’m sorry.
Yvette: Who ARE you?
Johnny: Until 15 minutes ago, I was part of the problem. Now I’m part of the solution. Name’s Johnny.
Yvette: I’m Yvette.
Yvette: Oh Johnny! Can’t we stop running? I’m so tired!
Johnny: Bombs don’t get tired, Yvette. So no.
Yvette: Johnny? You said you were part of the problem. What did you mean?
Johnny: I mean that before I wasn’t blowing stuff up to make you fall in love with me and now I am.
Yvette: Johnny you’re the bad guy? What?!
Johnny: I’m the only guy left. Everyone else is exploded. You HAVE to love me.
Johnny: I…DIE?!
Yvette: Now you are dead!
Johnny: But I did not make that bomb that killed me!
Yvette: Here is another bomb I drop: I never loved you!
Johnny: And here is the final bomb I drop: Maybe I was dead before the bomb, like my soul was dead if it thought it was okay to kill people.
Yvette: Now I love you but it is too late.
Johnny: ….
Yvette: Johnny? JOHNNY!!!
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