Howard: Hey Melinda!
Melinda: Yeah, Howard?
Howard: You know that dance contest the high school is having?
Melinda: The one where the winners get a free surgery?
Howard: Bingo. I need that surgery. So I’m going to dance. And what’s more, I’m going to win. But I can’t do it alone. That’s why I need you. You’re the best dancer in school. I need you to help me.
Melinda: Come on, Howard. Thanks to a rare genetic defect and your laughably low income status, your arms are literally made out of shaped candle-wax!
Howard: Damn it, Melinda! Don’t you see? That’s why I need to win so bad! I need the surgery prize! I need to have my candle-wax arms removed and replaced with a durable, heat-resistant, plastic alloy!
Melinda: Forget it, Howard! You’ve got wax arms and you’ll always have wax arms! You’re a loser, Howard! Find yourself some other partner! But listen to me: whoever you find, she had better be good. Because I’m the best dancer around, and there’s no way you’re gonna take that surgery away from me!
Howard: You f***ing c***, Melinda.
Grace: Howard? I’ll be your dance partner Howard.
Howard: You?! Don’t make me laugh, Grace. Your legs are made out of shaped candle-wax!
(Howard drinks his whiskey)
Howard: How’d you learn to dance so well, Grace?
Grace: Well…Howard? …Did I ever tell you about how I lost my legs?
Howard: No.
Grace: They were accidentally torn off. In the dance Olympics.
(Flashback to Grace at the dance Olympics. She’s in a bloody, legless mess screaming and shouting “Why?!” over and over. Cut to the audience at the dance Olympics. A little boy gets hit in the face with Grace’s torn-off legs. He falls to the ground. He doesn’t get up.)
Howard: Is that…is that why you have candle-wax legs?
Grace: It is. And yes, maybe now my legs are made out of candle-wax, but the rest of me can still dance at an Olympic level. You see, even with wax legs I haven’t forgotten how to dance.
Howard: No. No you haven’t. Thanks, for helping me, Grace.
Grace: No problem, Howard. I just wish my brother wasn’t in the mafia.
(Melinda and Raul go to the beach and their legs and arms don’t melt)
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