Thursday, April 12, 2007

Smombie World

(SCENE: A very crowded street. Rico is standing on a bench shouting at people)

Rico: Everyone is already dead! Everyone! You just don’t know it yet!

Man: Shut up, you crazy.

Rico: Am I crazy?

God: No, Rico. No, you ain’t crazy.

Rico: You’re all already dead! You’re walking corpses, every one of you!

(All of a sudden, we see that everyone is covered in maggots. They actually have been zombies the whole time)

Woman: Wait! We are dead! I’ve got some maggots on me!

Man: No you don’t. Wait… Yes you do! But how did it happen?

Rico: I don’t know!

Woman: You know, I don’t feel any different.

Rico: Nobody said you should feel different.

Jason Priestly: Hey, I don’t have any maggots on me! Maybe I’m not dead?

Rico: Look closer. They’re there.

Jason Priestly: Nope. I’m alive. I’m alive and you all are dead! What’s going on?!


(All of the zombies turn to Jason Priestly and their eyes are red and their teeth are sharp. And event though they didn’t know they were zombies [with the exception of Rico], they are, in fact, pretty smart zombies.)

Jason Priestly: No. No I don’t think so, guys. Not today.

(Jason Priestly clubs two zombies and runs into the military testing lab. With the smart zombies hot on his heels, he finds an experimental jetpack. He straps it on and flies to the rooftop of a skyscraper. He perches there, his eyes on the smart zombie city)

Jason Priestly: So it’s just me now. I’m the only one left to stop crime perpetrated by smart zombies. It’s just me. Me with no maggots, me with this experimental military jetpack. And are there any other people who are the living living? And if so, how can I find them when it seems the entire world is filled with zombies who don’t even know they are zombies? Heh…

(fires up jetpack)

Jason Priestly: Looks like I’ve got my fuckin’ work fuckin’ cut out for me.


Steeb said...

This looks to me like a very solid piece. But of course I've only read the title, as I do not wish to be accused of intellectual property theft when I am later a ten star hollywood screenplay writer working with stars like Michael Mann, director of "Miami Vice" and a truly amazing human being.

Anonymous said...

Why an experimental jet-pack? Can I recommend you switch that to a regular jet pack-- like the government already has them? Because if it's experimental the audience will be worried it might explode or require a "special" fuel, and that will take their minds off the real threat. That being of course, the smombies. And also, if the government already has lots of jetpacks you can pretty much count on some zombies getting ahold of some of them, and definitely no mid-air zombie/Priestly sky battle has ever been filmed.

Also, Rico is a favorite character from a favorite movie-- Starship Troopers. Is that a homage?